Everyone needs to pay very close attention to what my wife is saying in her share of the following news story Justice Thomas says the Supreme Court should ‘reconsider’ rulings that protect access to contraception and same-sex marriage as the court overturns Roe v. Wade Much like the issue with guns, the issue of choice is not about the simple issue of “killing a baby”. I used to believe that… I still have a fundamental issue with the basic tenants of the stereotypical “abortion”.
However, this issue has been white-washed into one of “killing babies” vs. “saving babies” and it simply is not that simple. There have been so many layers built into this that simple medical procedures have become complicated for women in some states because the nature of the procedures has been folded into legislation aimed at targeting abortions.
Did you know that the process to remove a still-born child from the womb is in fact an abortion procedure? Did you know that hospitals in some states have become reluctant to perform them due to laws around abortion? Hmmm… How do you think a woman fairs with a dead body hanging out in her uterus? Not to mention her mental and emotional state?
Oh, Nathan, You’re being ridiculous! Am I? Am I? People we’re talking about a country that elected a reality star as President. I’m serious. Is it ridiculous to me to terminate the life of a perfectly healthy baby. It is also ridiculous to draft 5-inch thick legislative bills that govern the healthcare of one-half of the population!!!! But it will probably now be necessary in light of recent events.
We now pass the determination of “rights” over women’s healthcare to the states. This means State Legislatures will determine the level of care that my wife is entitled to when she sees her doctor. No, I’m not saying when she goes for an abortion. I mean that the issue of abortion has been so tangled in women’s healthcare that the tangled mess must be unraveled and this decision further complicates it.
If we were talking about passing legislation about vasectomies every man on the Supreme Court, Congress, and in State legislatures (who still had functioning equipment) would be arming themselves (now that everyone can open carry) to ensure that no one messed with men’s health. But these men will sit back and do anything they damn well please with women’s health and go have drinks this evening like it was just another day at the office.
Oh, and as you can see from what my wife shared and what she wrote about, there is much, much more they have planned and some of it affects more than just the women you love…
Wake up America. Your children are in danger. Women’s healthcare is in the hands of the guys and gals in State House and pretty soon little things like privacy, due process, marriage, and contraception could be under the proverbial gun.
Quote from Betsy’s Post
Pay attention folks. Whether you believe in pro-choice or not. Justice Thomas wrote a concurrent opinion – it isn’t legal precedent. But it IS a welcome mat.
“For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell,” Thomas wrote.
The Due Process Clause ensures any American has the right to due process before someone can take away their inalienable rights.
Concurring opinions are court opinions that agree with the majority opinion of the Supreme Court, but acknowledge differing reasons for coming to the same conclusion. The opinion is not a binding precedent, unlike the majority opinion.
The Griswold v. Connecticut decision was decided in 1965, when the Supreme Court decided in a 7-2 decision that people have the right to privacy granted by the Bill of Rights that protects against state restrictions on contraception. If overturned, states would be granted the ability to outlaw various forms of birth control.
In 2003, the Supreme Court decided in a 6-3 vote in the Lawrence v. Texas case that making it a crime for members of the same sex from having intimate sexual relations violates the due process clause.
“Their right to liberty under the Due Process Clause gives them the full right to engage in their conduct without intervention of the government,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his opinion.
Lastly, the high court decided in 2015 in the Obergefell v. Hodges case that the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects the rights of same-sex couples to get married in the same ways that opposite-sex couples can.”
Cool. Cool. We have made a choice not to try for a second child. Sure hope my birth control holds up/stays legally accessible and protected. Because with age comes complications for me, for a baby, for both of us. But hey….let’s go in and revisit some of these cases and their precedent. Seems smart. Seems safe. Seems healthy. Because if you listen to the talking heads, this won’t affect me. I’ll be fine. So will any of my friends who had nearly deadly birthing experiences and who have been told another pregnancy could literally kill them. YOLO. But for some once may be shorter than for others. Also, let’s talk about what revisiting some of these cases does to my sister/SIL and my nieces.
I believe in God. But I’m struggling right now for those who are praising his holy name today for this decision. Do y’all actually realize what just took place in Kentucky with the trigger law? Well, stay tuned. Ohio, KY, and others. And let’s stay tuned now that Justice Thomas has laid out the welcome mat…